I find us pretty teflon. By that, I mean whatever people give us – compliments, kindness, gifts, good energy, including from nature – we don’t truly take it in. It doesn’t nourish us as much as it could.
I sometimes compare this to our eating habits. We eat but don’t often throughly enjoy all our food has to give. Like – we take it for granted, or we’ve forgotten the pleasure of eating, or don’t fully acknowledge the taste and the energy this food has to share. Sure, our digestive systems give us many of the nutrients of what we put in our mouth … but something is often lacking. Like a habit without thought.
The same is true with our spirit, our higher selves, whatever you want to call it.
In our everyday human existence, we don’t really take in the energy of what we are given. We sense and then protect and defend from the bad stuff, react against it, let some seep in, “grin and bear” it … or, we brace against it. With the good stuff, we appreciate and “accept” it, but we really don’t integrate it or let it add to our sense of being as much as we could … or at all.
This is why I see us mostly as Teflon.
We acknowledge and appreciate the gift we are given – the kind word, the compliment, the love, the present, the promotion – but it’s on the surface … it doesn’t sink in and nurture.
We deflect the bad stuff of let it seep in and as we cringe against it. We don’t receive any of it in our bodies and our existence. It’s like we’re designed not to receive no matter what … that we won’t even anytying it change us by adding that good energy to ourselves, and even – you might have to trust me on this one – let the the negative just be energy or intensity and watch it heal us.
Instead, we hear, acknowledge, and deflect. Teflon.
Why do we do this? Because of many things I will talk about it this month month of December – this holiday month. We will practice reversing or just eliminating this way of being. Much of why we do this has to do with how we brace against life, how we build walls (even unknowingly), how we decide we need “boundaries” (oh, that’s one will be good), how somewhere we learned to be humble and not receive fully (I know that one sounds off). It even has to do with how we recognize and feel pain in our bodies, but we cannot receive what’s trying to heal us.
We aren’t really listening. We aren’t really feeling what’s going on. We don’t really have that good of a relationship with our bodies (which are our primary awareness tool). We were never taught any of this. And it’s too bad!
What if you started practicing receiving from everything? You might just see yourself fill up and feel like you never have before .. in a good way., even when you think at first it’s bad. You might not focus as much on the harried, that bad, the problems, the stress, the anger, the need to control (even unwittingly). Boy, so many ways we function in this world do not let us receive. In fact, until I realized what receiving FELT like, I really didn’t do it at all.
When I noticed the difference between the sensations and energetics of actually receiving, versus acknowledging, being aware, recognizing, saying you are grateful, and so forth … everything in my life changed. I started receiving from more than I ever have before. And I say this as an energy healer and a channel.
So, we’re going to start with the simple, practical, tangible, understandable and move from there. In fact, it you might realize it’s all that anyhow.
Join me for 30 days of practicing what for some of you might just be a new way of being – a way the nourishes and nurtures you, and they you nourish and nurture everything around you in return. It’s ok to just start – and even stay that way – in the “nourish you” mode for a long time. It’s something you might just need.
I’ll do this with daily posts or lives in a Facebook free group as well as a YouTube public playlist. And as usual (if you’ve joined me for some of my short and long free groups in the past), I’ll offer some Zoom calls for practice with help from me (these will have a small fee).
Come for all 30 or pick and choose your days. There is not really a sequence to this, so you can dip in and out. It will work anyway! Encourage your friends or family to join and practice the simple techniques I use with them!