(Note: PLEASE LOOK AT PRICING Dropdown menu ON A COMPUTER, not a phone. California Tax/European VAT & Shipping are included in the price. International customs may or may not apply on your end)
Welcome to what may very well be a brand new approach to learning to listen to, communicate with, and live in your body and life with more ease and happiness … using one crazy simple modality that is a gateway to so much more: Yamuna.
This is a DIY class in living a greater existence everyday, using Yamuna’s body, foot and face balls. It’s the class I wish I’d found 37 years ago when I was starting to feel lost and living with daily knee pain. Even more, it’s the information I wish they gave us growing up in grade school.
Instead, I ended up injured at 16, stressed as an “smart and ambitious” young adult, and on what was the wrong career path in my early 20s. On top of that, I experienced a close death at age 21 right before my wedding. There were few tools out there to help me. Every way of looking at the body or the mind or our choices just didn’t work. I had to follow my instinct, which made me look like someone who couldn’t make up their mind, as I was always changing tack in search of what was right for me.
Somehow, nothing I sought to help me physically, mentally, or emotionally seemed intelligent enough – it didn’t last or didn’t work. It was as though there was something fundamental missing in our common knowledge. Including in yoga and meditation – and I say that as a yoga teacher who studied meditation. I always thought there was something faster – but we couldn’t see it. Everything took so long, and we bought into that idea of a process. Like: we became wedded to it as truth.
So I set out to be completely curious and use my own higher intelligence … whatever the heck that was. I just know I kept asking, “Is there something faster?”
Scroll forward.
Imagine a space where you are not only just more aware and knowing and connected to life, but you are also living in a body that is more comfortable and you move as one with it. This is the class I endeavor to teach here, and it’s approach might find you getting rid of bad habits you didn’t even know you had.
On the surface, this is a DIY course in body and foot massage, fascial release, face lifts, stretching and alignment, and reflexology. And if that’s what you walk away with, I’m thrilled. It’s also a class in the inherent energy flows of the body, talking to your body, using awarenesses to access consciousness, choosing with awareness, understanding and building your proprioceptive sense (the sense of ourself in space, which makes excellent athletes and aware people) and maybe even oneness … so if you get that – I’m more than thrilled.
What’s amazing is that one simple modality – Yamuna, with her body-foot-face balls – became my gateway modality that was taught to me as a way to release-realign-tone but proved to be way more. It became empirical evidence of much of what I studied, of the power of the body’s deep connections to itself, our existence and much more.
While so many brilliant ideas and modalities around me (including those I studied) became too busy proving and holding onto their corner of the truth as theirs, even as trademarks, there was less integration of ideas. But I naturally integrate ideas because something shows me not only is it faster, but there are connections we might not have seen before. Often, I found different ideas or modalities were expressions of the same thing, or needed each other to be faster, deeper, or more lasting. My goal is to take back the science of wellness, fitness, consciousness, wholeness, and oneness into the realm of The Common Good, needed for our evolution in a sustainable world. This class is my personal effort.
I know this class and the balls are an investment if you don’t yet have them. But I’ve priced everything so that I actually help cover some of the taxes or shipping or both. As well, I imagine you may not use this just for yourself – you may find that your family and friends will be curious and try them. Or you might use them on a friend to help them. This is an investment for now and your future, and I am committed to you learn more about you and your connection to your own body, mind, and the world around you.
FORMAT: 3 one-hour classes a week to choose from, either live or recorded and sent to you. (You can attend one or all). The classes are timed for students across the world to have once a week which they should be able to attend live, but which is not expected. 3-4 short recorded exercises will be provided for your ongoing engagement and education. Just working several minutes a day or every other day will create cumulative advantages from this practice. I do not expect everyone to participate live – some may just want the information. And I anticipate families might join in together.
DURATION/DATES: This is a 3-month course, for which you have an option to take the first 6 weeks. You can extend to the full 3 months later if you wish. The class runs from November 29, 2020 through February 19, 2020 (all ready for Valentine’s Day!).
LIVE CLASS TIMES: All Times listed are California PST
- Sundays 5 pm PST (click for time in your location)
- Wednesdays 10:30 am PST (click for time in your location)
- Fridays 12 pm PST (click for time in your location)
- These times could shift slightly depending on participants. Holiday schedule could vary toward Christmas/New Year if required.
BALLS REQUIRED FOR CLASS (I sell them all and if you have none and order a full ball set – your class/ball package is $50 off)
- gold, silver, pearl, black “calf” pair, foot savers, foot wakers, face balls and a pump (Yamuna pump preferred)
- please contact me if you need individual balls to fill out this set
- This is an investment, I know, and you will see why I use them all once we get going. I imagine you might share these balls with your family, and you will have the library of exercises and lectures to keep you feeling good and connected.
CLASS COST (there country discounts; BALL COST IS ADDITIONAL):
- The 3-month class is $300
- the 6-week option is $200 – extending another 6 weeks would be $200 as well
- AU/NZ/CA residents get a 10% discount on the class.
- IF YOU HAVE TO BUY A FULL BALL SET – I GIVE YOU $50 USD (or your 90% portion for AU/NZ/CA)
- If you are interested in this class and are in a country beyond the US, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada – feel free to contact me.
BALL SET COST – (dropdown payment menu adds class cost and ball set costs together – you may own some balls already, in that case contact me for pricing on extra balls):
Your cost varies by region of the world or country. The balls have a price in your part of the world or where you get them shipped from, and taxes and shipping vary. I did the math with shippers and distributors and helped cover some shipping or taxes for you to keep things as low as I could. I also reduced the class price by $50 (for both the 3 month and the 6 week choice) for anyone ordering a full ball set.
- Europeans: there are distributors there I am using for you, which is Yamuna protocol. The products are more expensive because of your taxes. (for which you get services I’m totally jealous of as an American!)
- USA – California price with tax and shipping $328, $50 off class – making a total of $578
- USA – non-California states, $306.5, plus $50 off class – making a total of $556.50
- Europe including UK – $443 USD inclusive of shipping and VAT on balls and shipping, plus $50 off class – making a total of $693
- AU/NZ – $326.50 USD, which includes me paying more than 50% of $80 shipping and $45 off class (class is at 90% of cost) – making a total of $551.50
- Canada – $331.50 USD, includes shipping and $45 off class (class is a 90% of cost) – making a total of $556.50
- Any other country, contact me
If you have balls and just need a few, then contact me and we will get you those – you do not need to buy the face ball kit with the DVD and you must go directly through me for that. Ordering separate balls doesn’t get the $50 discount on the class. That is an incentive to help newbies cover the cost of the investment.
IF YOU REQUIRE A PAYMENT PLAN, contact me. I will do my best to help you.
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