Yamuna body rolling & foot fitness; TRE; and Access Consciousness body and energy awareness.
Where else can you get all that fun work in one place?
1-4:30 pm at Energy Matters Acupuncture and Qigong in Oakland, CA
Regenerate, release, relax, and realign your body and your being!
This class centers around Yamuna body rolling and foot fitness class, where I weave in concepts of reflexology, the vertical integration of the body, fascia, dome theory, and the natural unwrapping and unwinding of the body. The class ends with TRE to synthesize the work further into the nervous system. Access Consciousness helps us clear what is stuck energetically in our bodies that we have trouble releasing and maybe aren’t even aware of.
This is a steal for the price! Make the commitment to you and your body!
Requires full Yamuna ball set of gold, silver, pearl, black pair, and bumpy Foot Wakers and smooth Foot Savers. I have a few sets available as loaners – bring friends and family!
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