Do you fall into a vortex (a spiral, a whirlpool) of emotions, feelings, thoughts, beliefs, even tiredness and cannot get out?
Lots of feeling stuck starts by falling into the vortex. What if you could recognize that and step out. You might be surprised how even knowing this will allow you to stop some of the smallest habitual arguments you can’t stand have become habit/pattern.
This class is a replay of a Zoom Call on this subject, and is a combination of lecture and discussion with participants about the vortexes they fall into. It is designed to give you a practical – not emotional – look at how we fall into states of being we can’t always seem to get out of and then feel bad about during or after – or at least like “that was a waste of time.”
Length – 75 Min.
Purchase this and you will be sent a link to the video and audio file via DropBox. The link will be sent to the same email address you have with PayPal. If you would like it sent to a different email, Contact Me.
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